Češi a Slováci
Autre(s) titre(s): Czechs and Slovaks
Genre: Documentary film
Année: 1947
Durée: 00:12:00
Description: A film depicts a national aid campaign supporting a development of Slovakia as a rural and more traditionally oriented part of Czechoslovakia. It puts into contrast an industrial Czech land and a folkloric Slovak region. It contains anti-monarchical rhetoric. The film ends by a presentation of a cinema audience watching this very film, whose members are directly addressed by a narrator.
Mots-clés: přestavba / práce / vesnice / zboží/komodity / zemědělec / rolník / rodina / mužský / film / zemědělství / průmysl / manuální práce / film / grafické prezentace / národ / redevelopment / work / village / goods/commodities / farmer / peasant / family / male / film / agriculture / industry / manual work / movie / graphic presentations / nation / VICTOR-E project
Fournisseur: Národní filmový archiv
Droits: In Copyright / NFA/Dillia
Société de production: KF Praha
Couleur: Black & White
Director: Miroslav Lang
Sound: With sound
Type de document:
Language: cs